January 2 Genesis 3, 4, 5; Luke 2

These are a few of our SOAP notes from today’s reading. We encourage you to read and journal on your own first, then join us in conversation about what God revealed to YOU today. Click HERE to go directly to the daily reading if you wish.

Printable reading plan: Life Journal Reading Plan

Want to walk through the Bible one book at a time? Head over to Discover One Thing Online Study!

Convinced…Deceived | Kim Chipman

S~ The woman was convinced…“The serpent deceived me,”… from Genesis 3: 6, 13 (NLT)

O~ The first sin. The beginning of the 3rd chapter in the bible. Man and woman were just created in the 2nd chapter. My study Bible says “Adam and Eve failed to heed God’s warning recorded in 2:16,17. They did not understand the reasons for His command, so they chose to act another way that looked better to them.”

A~ And so it began…being convinced and deceived that another way looks better.

I know I do this. A few things come to mind immediately, but I’m sure there is way more deception that I even realize. My word for 2016 is warrior. Armed with the sword of the spirit I’m fighting deception. Fighting lies. Fighting manipulation. Fighting distraction. Fighting selfishness. Fighting justifications. Fighting pride. Fighting complacency. Fighting to be close to you, to be more like You. I must become less and less and you must become greater and greater.

P~ There is truly nothing new under the sun. Eve was convinced and deceived and I don’t want to be! I’m fighting! I love You!

Result of sin | Nikki Metzger

S~ And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you. Genesis 3:16b (NLT)

O~ The fruit has been ate, sin entered the world, and the Lord God is speaking to the woman and letting her know what will happen as a result.

A~ This is true for me.  I want to control my husband.  But I’m such an advanced sinner – I want to control my kids too.  But when someone tries to control me…it’s over!  I hate it when someone controls me!

Just this morning, I wanted control of taking a check to the bank so it would get deposited.  I was frustrated that my husband would do it, but eight hours after I wanted it done.

That desire to control every little thing in my life stems from sin.  God’s plan was never for me to be a control freak – He wanted the burden of control to always fall back to Him.  But when sin entered the world, we became separated from God and God allowed the desire for control to be back on us. The truth is, you can’t control anyone, but the desire is always there.

P~ Lord, help me to remember this when I want to control people.  It’s because the desire for control is rooted in sin.  Give me eyes to see what’s really happening and what’s going on in my heart when I desire to control my husband and family!  I pray this in Jesus’ Name!

Growing | Michelle Myers

S~ And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. Luke 2:52 (NIV)

O/A~ For most people, growing in stature is inevitable.  Yet, growing in wisdom, not book knowledge, but true, spiritual wisdom is a lot more complicated.  For me, it usually takes a lot of trips around the same mountain, until I finally start to wear myself out enough, from getting the same result that I realize, more of the same isn’t going to get me a different result.

In regards to relationships, doing things differently or more wisely, doesn’t necessarily mean that I am going to get a different result either.  Relationships require more than one person doing things differently for the relationship to change.

My part is all I can do, and I can do it more wisely than what I have been.  I can refuse to add fuel to the fire by doing a few things differently.  I can refuse to engage in back and forth banter.  I can refuse to defend myself against untrue, even irrational statements; but instead stand firm in the truths that You have shown me.  I can be forgiving and loving, and continue on with my part; regardless of how the other person is responding to me.

What I can’t do, is Your job.  I can’t open their heart to You.  I can’t illicit a rational, reasonable, and Godly response.  I can’t get them to open their heart to me and listen.  I can’t get them to make wiser choices.  I can’t get them to see or take accountability or ownership in their part.

All of this can be very frustrating.  It is hard to do things ‘Your way’ in a relationship when the other person isn’t and the outcomes rarely seem to change.  But You know that, because You have experienced it.  So, I have to follow Your example and not let my hurt and pride fuel my words, actions, and responses, and with Your help, do the best I can do to stay humble.

P~ Thank you God for Your wisdom, which would be so much less meaningful, if You had not come in the flesh to experience all the hurt, frustration, and injustice Yourself.  You know what I am going through.  You see me.  I pray that You will help me in this process, with trusting in You and following You.

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