May 5, 2019 Judges 18; Psalm 89; 1 Corinthians 5

“There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 (NLT) The heart of this ministry is to inspire a love for God’s Word and encourage the discipline of daily Bible reading and SOAP journaling. These are a few of our SOAP notes from today’s reading. We encourage you to read and journal on your own first, then join us in conversation about what God revealed to YOU today. Click HERE to go directly to the daily reading if you wish.

Printable reading plan: Discover One Thing Reading Plan

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God of All | Joni Tyner

S~ The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours: Everything in the world is yours—You created it all.  Psalm 89:11 (NLT)

O~ This world is Gods, not mine!!

A~ It’s so easy in the business, even good things that I do each day to think it’s about me and my agenda.  I think this is a good reminder to always keep the bigger picture in mind.  This world is God’s and my purpose is to support that and to build God’s kingdom by loving others and encouraging them in their faith journey.

P~ Dear Lord, help me to keep the reason for my life in the front of my thoughts. I want to give You glory.  It’s not about me!!!  Thank you for this beautiful world and this life you’ve blessed me with.  I ask for strength to live it out in a way that points others to You.

Founding Father | Kelley Deases

S~ The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it. Psalm 89:11 (NIV)

O~ A proper perspective on all of life would say it begins and ends with God. Before we existed, He did. After we pass from the earth, He will still be. And in the present moment, He is our Source for everything. He created us and knows us intimately. He sees the big picture, in contrast to our limited vision. So why do we have the tendency to ignore or try to dethrone Him?

A~ Years ago, I sat on the Board of Directors for a local nonprofit. There came a time during my term on the Board we had to vote on whether to remove the founder of the organization from his leadership role. When the issue was first advanced, it seemed so jarring and wrong to imagine we might be about to oust the very person who first envisioned and executed on the mission to benefit the community. But that is precisely what came to pass. The organization had come to have a life of its own, and due to some questionable and inappropriate actions on the part of the founder and president, it was determined that person should step down in favor of a new leader at the helm. While this was arguably a good decision to preserve the integrity of the organization and distance it from any impropriety on the part of this person, today’s verse got me thinking how God founded the heavens, the earth and our very lives, yet we try to remove Him from His rightful position as Creator and King. I can so easily choose to ignore, dismiss or outright defy The Founder, either to try to take the reigns myself or hand them over to someone else.  But this Founder is perfect and rules perfectly, so it can only be my faulty judgment or stubborn selfishness which tries to buck His authority.

P~ Father, You founded all things, including me. Help me to rest in knowing You are executing Your grand design for Your creation and cease thinking, on any level, I know better.

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