June 9 Ecclesiastes 10,11,12; Psalms 94; Ephesians 5

These are a few of our SOAP notes from today’s reading. We encourage you to read and journal on your own first, then join us in conversation about what God revealed to YOU today. Click HERE to go directly to the daily reading if you wish. Our team would love the privilege of praying for you! Please share how we can lift you in prayer at DiscoverOneThingPrayer@gmail.com

Printable reading plan: Life Journal Reading Plan

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Wisdom | Kim Chipman

S~ Using a dull ax requires great strength, so sharpen the blade. That’s the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed. Ecclesiastes 10:10 (NLT)

O~ Solomon is talking about the ironies of life.

A~ I’ve always enjoyed working hard, but even more than working hard I really enjoy getting a lot done. Accomplishing much feels great to me. Over and over and over again Your Word reminds me that You are the source of wisdom. Seems to me that remaining in You and connected to You will make my life less challenging – I won’t need to work as hard or be as strong if I tap into You and Your power. You will help me succeed – You define success anyway.

P~ Help me to seek wisdom – to seek YOU above all things…”Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Living a life of love | Nikki Metzger

S~ Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.  He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:2 (NLT)

O~ Love in our life is our life.  Our example is to follow Jesus.

A~ Yay for love! Love wins!  But honestly, loving in a way that follows Christ’s example is HARD!  Jesus sacrificed Himself.  I don’t want to sacrifice myself.  I want others to sacrifice for me.  Yuckster!!  (That’s arrogance and pride right there!)

But wouldn’t it be cool at my funeral if my kids and husband would say my life was marked with love?  That those people in my circle of life would say that they felt love from me?  That my life was one filled with love?

I have an awesome definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 13.  And I have a perfect example of love to follow in Jesus.  Love is patient, kind, hopeful, enduring, never gives up or loses faith.  Love is NOT jealous, boastful, proud, rude, irritable, demanding or keeps score.

My kids say I’m cranky in the morning when getting us all out the door.  If I take their observation to heart, I can see rudeness, irritability, and myself making demands to them.  All of this is opposite of love.  Maybe my kids need me to be kind, patient, hopeful (that they will move faster), enduring, and never giving up (that we will be on time.) 🙂

Well, yay for summer because this aspect of love is on hold for two months 🙂  But when school starts back up, I am going to love on my kids this way!

P~ Father, thank You!  Please grow my heart to love!

A Band of Sisters | Joni Tyner

S~ Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you.  Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. Ephesians 5:4  (NLT)

O~ Paul is writing to the church of Ephesus. He was very close to these people and loved them very much.  The book of Ephesians was written to encourage and strengthen the faith of the  believers.

A~ Last night we had a gathering of some of the writers who contribute to the Discover One Thing blog.  We meet periodically to encourage one another in our personal daily walks and make sure we stay focused on what the purpose of our ministry is.

My faith was so encouraged at the end of the night and I thought I might share a couple of nuggets that were shared from our hearts.  The first one that comes to mind is related to this verse.  We were discussing the culture we live in and the constant pull it has to our hearts.  We discussed how many forms of entertainment can seem harmless as we are just having “down time”—yet is it really harmless?  This statement stuck out to me, I hope I am sharing it correctly—

“I have decided I don’t want to be a part of ( watch, read, engage in) any entertainment

that glorifies sin that Jesus died on the cross for.”

Okay, I don’t think I quoted it exactly—but I understand the meaning.  If we claim to be believers, if we want to love what Jesus loves, how can we even want to be entertained by watching (reading, doing) behavior that dishonors Jesus?  This scripture is very clearly stating that believers are to set themselves apart from certain behavior.  I am again convicted to stay away from conversations that do not reflect the values of my heart.   This is a constant battle.

A couple other thoughts we shared…

1. Our team is passionate to love people.  God has not called us, any of us, to judge others, We are called to build relationships with others. As these relationships grow, we will be begin to have opportunities to speak truth.  Relationship building takes time and commitment!!!!   Jesus is our Divine Mentor, we seek to emulate how He brought people to the Kingdom.  He loved first. He didn’t say, “Hi, I’m Jesus, God’s only son, You are sinning by doing _____.”  He loved them first.

2.God has gifted each person differently.  We should strive to use these gifts with excellence to build the Kingdom.

3. We need to keep it simple.  Reading God’s Word will transform our lives.  When we drift from God’s Word, we start doing it our way instead of God’s way.

4. The last thing that I took away from our gathering is that we need other believers to strengthen our own walk. It’s a good thing to have friends who love us for all of our imperfections and who make us laugh. (it’s also great to have friends who like good food!!)

P~ Jesus, thank you for pursuing our hearts!! We desire to live in a way that honors You.  I pray for discernment about my own personal time, please help me see clearly activities that You desire for me to not participate in.  I love You!!

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